
Climate Change Action

Since we started operations, a cumulative 8.0 mn ton CO2 emissions have been avoided. We recycle approx 99.5% of the materials we use. We did not use any equipment that causes ozone depletion nor SOx, NOx, or SPM air emissions through the reporting year. We are looking at implementing additional measures to reduce our energy consumption for operations / construction and our CO2 emissions and associated GHG in FY 2022-23. As an ESG led business, we adhere to responsible investment principles.

We issued our maiden Green Bond on February 9, 2021 to raise $561 million


As majorly wind energy producer, we use considerably less water than what is used for traditional coal-based power generation. India is a water-stressed country. More than 88% of the water needed for industrial use is consumed by coalbased power plants,. Through the clean energy we have supplied to date, we have saved 110 billion litres of water by replacing coal-based power, equivalent to the average water needs of 2 million people in India. Wind energy is the only renewable source which does not consume high volumes of water.


We have planted more than 2,451 trees in FY 2021-22 across all projects. To date, we have planted
over 4,551 trees. To protect birds from getting injured by our equipment, we have painted the
blade tips of our turbines and installed bird guards / bird diverters on our electric lines.


We track the noise generated
around our project sites
every fortnight to mitigate
noise risk to communities
living in the vicinity.