
Fiscal Year 2021-22

About the Report

Continuum Green Energy (India) Private Limited (“Continuum Green Energy”), wholly owned by Continuum Green Energy Limited (Singapore), is our holding company in India engaged in the business of renewable energy generation through wind and wind-solar hybrid projects housed under various subsidiaries. Continuum Group consists of Continuum Green Energy, its parent, its subsidiaries, step down subsidiaries and fellow subsidiaries. We welcome you to Continuum Green Energy’s first sustainability report.

It provides a comprehensive view of our value-driven journey from April 1, 2021, to March 31, 2022 to facilitate India's clean, reliable and affordable energy ecosystem. We are committed to playing a pivotal role in enhancing India's energy security through the responsible generation of renewable energy. Our first sustainability report seeks to update our stakeholders on the sustainable impact of our value creation efforts through FY 2021-22 across different facets of the renewable energy supply chain while balancing the needs of the planet and profitability.

Reporting Boundary & Scope

The report covers the activities of Continuum Green Energy and its subsidiaries in India. It focuses on material issues that can affect our value creation abilities and therefore impact our stakeholders the most. We engaged with our key stakeholders to garner their insights, concerns, and advice to identify and shortlist the final list of material issues to focus on for the road ahead.

Reporting Framework & Annual Report Format

This report has been prepared in line with the 'core' criteria of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) standards. It also links Continuum Green Energy’s sustainability goals and achievements with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Responsibility Statement

Continuum Green Energy’s Senior Management team has prepared the report under the guidance of the Board of Directors in accordance with the GRI standards and other regulations of the Government of India as applicable.

Our Approach to Project Development

Key characteristics of our projects

Our Approach to Sale of Power

We offer different C&I PPAs model to our C&I consumers, depending upon their needs, as summarized below:

Physical supply of electricity to the C&I Consumer using Open Access, priced at agreed discount per kWh to the variable tariff of purchase of electricity from the grid, billed at billing meter of the C&I consumer with the sharing of the variation in their electricity tariff from discom and Open Access charges / losses between the parties as per the agreed terms;
Physical supply of electricity to the C&I Consumer using Open Access, priced at generation meter of the project, with the C&I consumer bearing the Open Access charges / losses and any variation thereafter; and
Sale of green attributes of the electricity produced from the project to the C&I Consumer, incases where physical supply of electricity is not possible. The green attributes are priced at generation meter of the project, and the electricity from the project may be sold on Electricity Exchange.

ESG Highlights as of FY 2021-22

Carbon Emissions Avoided

Through FY 2021-22, we produced 1,801 GWh of renewable energy, equivalent to avoiding 1.6 mn Tonnes of CO2 in the same
period. This is equivalent to Annual Green-House Gas Emissions from:


Passenger Cars driven for one year


Barrels of Oil Consumed
The average annual carbon footprint of


Indian citizens
Since we started operations, a cumulative 8.0 mn Tonnes of CO2 emissions have been avoided.*


We have planted 2,541 trees in FY 2021-22 across all projects. To date, we have planted 4,551 trees.
^ As researched by the Japanese Research Institute for Humanity & Nature, the mean carbon footprint of every Indian is estimated at 0.56 tonne per annum
* The Renewable Energy Generation at the Controller Meter of the Wind Turbine / Invertor Meter of Solar Park X Combined Margin, used as a conversion factor, published in CEA’s CO2 Baseline Database for the Indian Power Sector –User Guide = CO2 Avoided

ESG Strategy

As we strengthen our capabilities and expand our footprint to cement our position in the renewable energy sector in India, we know that along with the opportunities, there will be risks. However, studies have shown that an ESG led growth and operational strategy not only offers a higher potential of returns for a company and their stakeholders but also a reduction in their risk exposure. Our robust risk management framework enables us to monitor, manage and mitigate these risks in a timely manner and run seamless operations without disruptions.

At the core of our business lie our stakeholder’s expectations and demands. We conducted a comprehensive exercise to engage with our stakeholders to garner their inputs on the issues, which they believe could have the most impact on our business. These material issues form the pillars of our ESG led growth strategy as we explore new avenues to enhance our value creation abilities and seek new horizons of growth.

Interweaving a robust ESG framework within our business strategy further strengthens the foundation of our business and enhances our value creation abilities for our stakeholders. Using scarce natural resources prudently, managing the waste we generate, implementing technology and innovations to reduce our carbon footprint and running safe operations are critical for our continued success. To operate in harmony with our communities is imperative if we want to run our business without disruptions, foster inclusive development, protect and enhance our reputation and strengthen our social licence to operate.

We are defining an agile, scalable and responsive roadmap to translate the goals of our ESG strategy into tangible and sustainable value for our company and our stakeholders. This roadmap will guide us to meet our financial and non-financial commitments, establish scalable and responsible operational models, build a future-ready talent pool and generate profits while protecting our planet and people.

Underlining this approach is our comprehensive governance framework of policies, processes and controls that enable us to facilitate effective decision making, comply with regulations and the law and earn the trust of our internal and external stakeholders through transparent and ethical conduct.

As a sustainable business, we are accountable for running our operations responsibly with due consideration to our environmental footprint, nurturing inclusive development, and leading with ethics at all times.

To guide our company on a sustainable growth path, we used the findings of our Materiality Assessment to frame our ESG strategy that is built on the three pillars of Contributing to Environment, Society and the Future with eight focus areas.


3 Strategic

8 Focus

Supporting Governance Structure

Risk Management Strategy

  • Risk and Compliance Policy
  • Risk Management Framework
  • Risk Identification
  • Risk Assessment
  • Risk Treatment - Mitigation
  • Risk Control and Monitoring

Business Objective and Risks

We have undertaken a structured process to identify business risks in line with our business objectives drawn from internal
consultations with our stakeholders and discussions with the Senior Management team. These are outlined below:

Business Objectives

Business Risks

ESG Coverage





