
Corporate Governance

Our corporate governance principles define our business conduct and disclosure practices and are critical to earning and retaining stakeholder trust. They describe the relationship between our stakeholders, management, and the Board of Directors and outline the rules of disclosures and engagement to accelerate responsible value creation for all stakeholders. Our governance principles guide us to be a transparent, purpose-led company, comply with all relevant regulations and share material information as needed with our stakeholders that are accurate, objective, and timely. Our corporate governance framework is interwoven within our business operations and value chain. They hold our Board of Directors accountable to the shareholders and other stakeholders of the group. We periodically review our corporate governance structures and modify them to meet the needs of changing external environment and business realities.

Diversity in governance

We maintain diversity of age and gender in our committees to get a balanced view of all issues. The percentages of women and people over 50 years of age in these bodies in FY 2021-22 were as shown

ESG Governance

We have dedicated people and committees that form part of our ESG governance structure overseen by the Board of Directors to ensure robust and stringent monitoring and evaluation of our performance. The three committees that take forward our ESG governance include the Apex Committee, the ESG Steering Committee and the ESG Champions group. Their responsibilities are outlined below:

Apex Committee

This is the topmost Committee guiding the organisation’s sustainability agenda and future goals. It is responsible for
  • Formulating strategic vision and overall direction to ESG programs
  • Reviews and approves public disclosures on ESG (annual report, ESG report, special disclosures)
  • Allocates resources required by ESG Steering Committee
  • Oversight of our ESG Strategy and roadmap

ESG Steering Committee

This Committee works on ESG goal setting and steering the organisation’s sustainability agenda. It is responsible for
  • Providing specific guidance and operational insights to ESG Mentors and ESG Core Working Group
  • Appointing an ESG mentor for each strategic pillar to implement of ESG strategy and roadmap
  • Undertake a quarterly review of activities led by ESG Mentors
  • Review public disclosures on ESG (annual report, ESG report, special disclosures) and present to the Apex Committee for approval
  • Appoint ESG Champions at each asset who will be part of the ESG core working group

ESG Champions

They are responsible for implementing ESG initiatives, monitoring processes and tracking the relevant data and KPIs. The Champions are responsible for
  • Leading different focus areas identified in ESG Strategy supported by a four to five member cross-functional team
  • Review KPIs and targets of focus areas as per ESG Strategy
  • Coordinate team meetings for progress on respective ESG focus areas
  • Report progress to ESG Steering Committee
  • Oversee management processes to ensure compliance with policies and standards

ESG Governance Organisation Structure