Every day is a world safety day for us. Creating and maintaining a safe workplace for our people is core to our operational and business continuity. Protecting their health and nurturing a safety culture across the organisation is a strategic imperative for us. We have adopted benchmarked occupational health and safety practices to minimise such risks for our employees, consumers, visitors, suppliers, vendors, contractors and other stakeholders. Our reputation and ability to continue supplying clean energy to our consumers without disruption, hinges on running safe operations. We are members of India’s National Safety Council.
We offer our employees a free and fair workplace that is inclusive and designed to encourage learning so they can develop fruitful careers with us. Our employees are vital to our continued success. We have a structured human resources policy and framework that focuses on attracting the best talent and grooming them for success through continuous learning and development and professional growth opportunities. The training modules were a mix of technical and behavioural that would help employees perform their jobs better. They were intended to inculcate or reinforce behaviours and teach or refresh skills. A lot of the training modules were directed at safety at the workplace. Some of the training programmes were for getting employees acquainted with our policies and procedures. We have provided an average of 8.31 person hours of training to each of our employees in FY 2021-22
Even as we addressed the pandemic's challenges and transitioned to a work from home mode where feasible, we conducted several activities to enable our employees to engage and stay connected through these difficult times. These included: