
Health and Safety

Every day is a world safety day for us. Creating and maintaining a safe workplace for our people is core to our operational and business continuity. Protecting their health and nurturing a safety culture across the organisation is a strategic imperative for us. We have adopted benchmarked occupational health and safety practices to minimise such risks for our employees, consumers, visitors, suppliers, vendors, contractors and other stakeholders. Our reputation and ability to continue supplying clean energy to our consumers without disruption, hinges on running safe operations. We are members of India’s National Safety Council.

Some of the measures we undertake to ensure the safety of our employees and other stakeholders include:

  • Workflows with embedded Environment, Health and Safety (EHS) processes that mandate strict adherence to detailed documented SOPs for work on wind turbines, solar park, electric lines, substations etc
  • A daily morning Safety Prayer and Toolbox Talk, which includes the employees of our vendors and contractors, at every site
  • A dedicated safety team at each project site
  • Detailed safety training with regular assessments, including a quarterly Safety Quiz
  • Recognition programmes like the Quarterly Safety Ambassador and a project-specific award to recognise safety achievements and encourage a culture of safety

Comprehensive tracking and monitoring mechanisms enable us to track and report our EHS performance and prevent incidents. These include generating a monthly EHS MIS for senior management and a quarterly MIS for the Board of Directors.

FY 2021-22 Health & Safety Highlights


Lost Time Injury
Frequency Rate


Number of Injuries


Total Health and Safety
training (All locations)

Case Study

Ensuring workplace safety during power outages

During the complete blackout of the areas surrounding the Bothe sub-station and control room, it was difficult for unhindered entry to or exit from the workplace because of zero visibility. We decided to use phosphorescent stickers to mark a clear path on the substation floor. These stickers helped people move without colliding against heavy objects and into each other during blackouts in the substation. With the help of this small step, we have been able to avoid injuries during power outages and keep our people safe.

Navigating Around our Solar Plant Safely

The Low Tension (LT) and High tension (HT) transmission lines on the periphery and outside one of our solar plants are strung on long electric poles. These poles erected on the side of the road are not visible after dark and can be a safety hazard for people driving past them. To prevent any unfortunate accidents, we pasted reflective stickers on the poles. These stickers reflect the light from oncoming vehicles and glow in the dark to warn the drivers of their presence. This initiative has helped improve workplace safety in the area.

Employee Training

We offer our employees a free and fair workplace that is inclusive and designed to encourage learning so they can develop fruitful careers with us. Our employees are vital to our continued success. We have a structured human resources policy and framework that focuses on attracting the best talent and grooming them for success through continuous learning and development and professional growth opportunities. The training modules were a mix of technical and behavioural that would help employees perform their jobs better. They were intended to inculcate or reinforce behaviours and teach or refresh skills. A lot of the training modules were directed at safety at the workplace. Some of the training programmes were for getting employees acquainted with our policies and procedures. We have provided an average of 8.31 person hours of training to each of our employees in FY 2021-22

The training programmes are summarized below

  • Soft skill training sessions on topics such as time management, stress management, conflict resolution were held for each project site in rotation.
  • Circulated a compilation of online resources for our different functions and departments to help members utilize this time to upskill and improve their credentials.
  • Conversational English classes for our support staff.
  • Regular team sessions on Covid appropriate behavior

Hiring and turnover

Renewable energy is seeing rapid adoption across the country as we move towards a zero-carbon future. Continuum Green Energy is leading this energy transition by taking advantage of the abundant availability of wind and solar energy in India. The other factor that is helping us is the availability of educated and efficient manpower that can help us reach our ambitious goals. We hired 76 people across grades this year, of which more than 10% were women. The employee separation in this period was 39. Total number of employees as of 31st March, 2022 was 189.

Hiring from local community

Employees whose work location lies within their home state are referred to as local hires from local communities. Hiring from local community is beneficial for us as well as our employees. Our employees can manage their leave better since they do not need to travel longer distances to go to their hometown. This helps in reducing emissions. Additionally, Continuum Green Energy also benefits from the wisdom of the employees who are from nearby areas to our project sites. As many as 63% of our new hires this year were the local hires.

Career development

We continue to challenge our employees to become better at what they have been doing and also push them to take up new responsibilities. The performance reviews and career development discussions are part of the protocol that ensures our employees are encouraged to create a fulfilling career path. During the year, 44 employees successfully completed their probation. More than 80% of our employees across all grades were eligible for performance and career development reviews this year.

Pay parity across genders

Continuum Green Energy does not discriminate at the workplace on the basis of gender or any other categories. Opportunities for new responsibilities and enhanced roles are provided to the person showing the most potential. In terms of performance appraisal, the quality of work, the willingness to learn and the potential for growth are the only parameters considered. We are committed to providing parity in pay for both genders. In FY 2021-22, the ratio of average basic salary of women and men was 0.98x for all the employees excluding senior employees. When remuneration was considered, including other emoluments like transportation, childcare or living allowances, the ratio was 1.00x.

Employee engagement

Even as we addressed the pandemic's challenges and transitioned to a work from home mode where feasible, we conducted several activities to enable our employees to engage and stay connected through these difficult times. These included:

  • Daily team building sessions involving members from different project sites for an hour
  • An emailer sent every alternate day on motivational, self-development and current topics